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Cortney Palm (Actress, Zombeavers)

The Horror Revolution: First off, what’s your favorite horror movie? What movie scared you the most?

Cortney Palm: I love The Descent! The movies that had lasting impressions of fear were The Ring and Mirrors. 


THR: I am a huge fan of Zombeavers and I sing its praises to anyone who will listen. What was your experience like working on the film?

CP: Thank you for the love and support! It was such a fun film to shoot. My manager at the time told me not to do it, but I did it anyway and I am glad I did. I love practical effects and I enjoyed watching the actors work the beaver puppets. The cast was great, and I always gave the second-AD a hard time for fun. The water was FREEZING! We all had plenty of laugh-attacks on set too. I actually got hurt during the car stunt. When the window was “shot out” there was actually a mechanism on the window to make it break and that mechanism was like a gun, and it backfired and burned my back. Luckily I had to duck for the scene or else it would have burned my face. My back healed after a few months. The bear and deer were magnificent creatures to be on set with, but unfortunately, they had to “work for their food” so they were hungry and kept in cages until it was time to do the scene and get fed. I refuse to work with animals now because I just don’t think it’s right. Dogs on the-other-hand love what they do and of course, they’re treated better. 


THR: Your character in the movie was arguably the funniest part of the film. Do you find yourself naturally drawn to more comedic roles in horror, or are you just as at home playing it straight in a scarier film?

CP: Thank you! If a character resonates with me, I will be drawn to the role. I prefer dramatic roles and moody characters, but comedy has worked for me when I have been given the chance.


THR: Horror comedies can be incredibly difficult to pull off, and I’ve long said that you have to strike the right balance between scary and funny. What was it that you think made the comedy in Zombeavers work so well?

CP: Playing it straight and not trying to be over-the-top. The writing helps too, which we can thank the Kaplan brothers for such a great script. 


THR: Have there been any talks about a sequel that you’re aware of, and if so, would you be interested in taking part?

CP: Originally there was Zombees (given the scene at the very end of the film) but there is a TON of drama in the industry and oftentimes, shit is just out of the creative’s hands and in the hands of executives who have the money and who say no. But apparently I would have been Zoe’s twin coming to investigate, so I would have been in the sequel. 


THR: Were there any particular films that made you realize that this is what you wanted to do with your life? Any movies that just made you fall in love with the idea of acting?

CP: Growing up I loved Titanic and that might be the reason I wanted to be an actress, I honestly can’t remember. I was really into gymnastics and school. It was my mother who guided me into the industry, not me. I wanted to join the Navy because I was inspired/brainwashed by G.I. Jane and Mulan! Haha. Later, I really wanted to be in movies because I wanted to give a performance that would make the audience feel something, bring people together, give people something to talk about, the way movies did that for me. Also, to travel the world, meet new people.. Etc. I was also in a bunch of school plays and a part of an improv troupe, so performing was a part of me. 


THR: If you could work with anyone in the industry, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

CP: Gary Marshall, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, Kathryn Bigelow, Timothy Chalamet, Johnny Depp, Robert Sheehan…. There’s a much longer list…. Why? Because they’re talented AF! 

THR: Are there any upcoming roles that you’re excited to talk about?

CP: I have one last movie that is currently in post production and should be released in 2024 called Post Truth which is a heavy drama where multiple stories unfold during the film and then crash together at the end. Other than that, some other small indies that may or may not see the light of day and I have since retired and moved to Florida. 


THR: Finally, what sport would be the most fun to watch if the contestants were required to be shitfaced when playing?

CP: I love how you would want to ask a question that could lead to some fun comic-relief in our daily lives; however, I do not condone drinking such poison, and neither do our organs. 

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