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Newt Wallen (Writer, Swamp Zombies 2)

The Horror Revolution: What’s your favorite horror movie? What movie scared you the most?

Newt Wallen: My favorite horror movie ever is Creepshow. I love that fun mix of horror and comedy, and Poltergeist. The clown scene still gets a reaction.

THR: What made you want to become a screenwriter, and what inspired you to be one? Do you have aspirations for other parts of the industry as well?

NW: Star Wars, 1989 Batman and Evil dead 2 made me want to know everything I could about how movies work, and comics from the 80s made me wanna tell stories.

THR: You were excellent as an actor in Swamp Zombies 2. Do you like being an actor or a writer better?

NW: I was just playing myself, which meant when I forgot lines I wrote for myself I adlibbed. I am not a good actor, but I really like being camp and hammy on camera.

THR: What inspires you in general? Do you get your ideas for new scripts from anything in particular?

NW: Films, comics, books, stories people tell me over the years... I dont know. I tend to store all manner of nonsense and experiences and eventually everything finds its place in my work. I am like a worse dumb version of Slum Dog Millionaire.

THR: If you could work with anyone in the industry, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

NW: Nic Cage cause he’s a cinephile and a crazy person and I bet we would get on like a house fire. But Roger Corman is one of my heroes and someone I would love to learn from

THR: If you could have one piece of trivia about you known to each of your viewers, what would it be?

NW: 75 percent of the stuff you read about me online is wrong, unless its about how good I am in bed....then its 90 percent wrong

THR: Is horror/horror comedy your preferred genre to write for? If not, what would be?

NW: Comedy is easier to write, and gore tends to allow for dark comedy. I like writing banter and gross set pieces. I have written some serious stuff for people, real dark shit. But I prefer comedy.

THR: What’s coming next for you? Any upcoming projects you’d like to talk about?

NW: I’m currently working on the 12 issues of the Florida Man comic book. Working on wrapping up Midnight Show, which I have been making for 10 years. Doing pre-production on Amityville Arcade, which I started back in 2016 then had to put a pin in it. And writing a bunch for other people like Crude Cinema in KC and working on my YouTube channel. I try to stay busy.

THR: What is your favorite of your screenplays? Is there one that you think was adapted better than the others?

NW: Florida Man Saves Christmas and Planet Frankenstein are the biggest, weirdest ideas I have ever written, but both were too big to do as features on an indie budget. So both have been rewritten as a comic book mini-series so I can get bigger and weirder with it.

THR: Finally, how many sandwiches have you eaten off of the floor? Be honest.

NW: As long as no one around me notices it hit the ground…

Check out THR's review of the hilarious Swamp Zombies 2!

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